National Health and Fitness Day – June 7, 2014
The National Health & Fitness Day goal is to make Canada the fittest nation on earth. It is designed as a cohesive response to our alarming rates of childhood obesity and the resultant diabetes, heart and other chronic diseases. The initiative encourages local governments, non-government organizations, the private sector, and all Canadians to recognize the first Saturday in June as National Health and Fitness Day. It calls upon participants to mark the day with local events celebrating and promoting the use of local recreational, sports and fitness facilities, in order to boost participation in healthy physical activity.
Sport North Bay has released a poster in celebration of this day and is suggesting some low or no cost activities that you or your family and friends can do to get active on June 7th in the City of North Bay.
The Nipissing District Tennis Club is sponsoring the event by opening their courts to the public on June 7th from 9am – 5pm. Non-members may make same-day court bookings by calling 705-476-6688 or simply drop in. There is no cost and equipment is provided.
The tennis club is also offering up a Family Membership for our Facebook contest which will be awarded to the photo that attracts the most likes by 9am on Monday June 9th. The photo must be a creative shot of how you got active on National Health and Fitness Day in our community.