Questionnaire for Candidates for North Bay Municipal Office October 2014
Below please find the responses received to the questions sent to each of the candidates for mayor and to all the candidates for Councillor for whom addresses were available!
Responses are listed in order of reception!
1. a) Are you aware of the MURF [Multi Use Recreational Feasibility] Study that was completed in January 2014?
b)To what extent do you support its recommendations?
Al Macdonald
a) Yes fully aware and proud to have supported the study at the council table
b) The recommendations are sound. I believe in the investment of our facilities.
Richard Cadotte
a) Yes I’m aware of it .
b) I support the idea, but not if it will cost tax payers more to implement.
Dave Mendicino
a) I have been pushing for a MURF study since 2008 and as chair of community services was pleased to bring it forward this term.
b) I support the recommendations and would like to move forward on them during the next term.
Sheldon Forgette
I do support many of the different options of the MURF study. By doing option – A4 I think this might make the area very congested with regards to parking and traffic. Unless there is a plan to address parking for option A4 I would rather support option A2 – Replacing Pete Palangio Arena with a new twin pad.
I also fully support option B2 for the Permanent Indoor Turf Facility.
Mac Bain
a) Yes, as a Councillor; I had been aware of the issues prior to the report, and I have carefully reviewed it once it was completed.
b) I am supportive of the recommendations. Having said that, as stated in the report, we have to find a way to finance moving forward. Partnerships are extremely important, in next steps and exploring funding. These partnerships need to be developed and fostered.
Mike Anthony
.a) Thank you for the chance to answer your questions. As a current member of council and member of the Community Services Committee I am well aware of the MURF (Multi Use Recreational Feasibility) Study. User groups contributed, as did FedNor, to the overall investment of $114,000 for the study. For now we’ve moved it forward to the incoming council to use as a tool, guide, and potential map for the future. I hope to be there to be a part of it.
b) To what extant do I support the recommendations? I support reviewing them all and balancing them all against budget realities. I know we likely cannot do everything…but we shouldn’t sit still and do nothing either. As with other investments, I want to review the options in terms of benefits, costs, downsides and getting the most bang for our buck. We’ll have to look at things step by step, but the study should be used and not sit gathering dust.
George Maroosis
Yes, I have reviewed the MURF Study and I believe the recommendations are great suggestions for future consideration.
I believe we should re-establish a City Strategic Plan & produce a Community Vision that includes broad community consultation. In this process all of our plans which deal with specific initiatives can be included for public input.
I will consider all initiatives from the public and see how they might be realized through our 10 year Capital Budget Plan as well as a new Multi Year Operating Budget Plan.
Derek Shogren
Yes I am aware of MURF study, in my role as Chamber President I was obviously involved and definitely support recommendations.
Suzanne McIntyre
a) I just became aware through this email.
b) I do support the support the recommendations, as Memorial Gardens is already completed. I am not sure there is money to support the rest of the recommendations in the near future. I have heard many complaints around dressing rooms at the new Omishell Field on Lakeshore Drive. I do agree that we have to provide dressing rooms here. We have to do better with serving our customers, for example, having the portable washrooms emptied appropriately. We must prioritize the customer satisfaction and great experience when we lease these facilities.
BJ Szabicot
Yes, I am aware of the Multi-Use Recreational Facility (MURF) Feasibility Study and it’s recommendations. I find it’s methodology and vision to be lacking, so would not have supported any of the recommendations as they were presented.
The overriding demographic trends for North Bay indicate an increase in our senior population, and a decrease in our youth population, so when the MURF study was conducted why were no senior advocacy groups or active living groups consulted and only one health agency (NBPSDHU)? I think
seniors voices were not sought, and as such the need for low-impact non-ice surface recreation facilities was drastically underestimated.
When looking at the 25 stakeholder groups consulted, and considering that 12 were “ice groups”, it made me think “What about other forms of recreation?” No cycling, walking or running groups were asked; no yoga, dance or martial art groups consulted. Not even one ball club is represented.
To my eye, their overall methodology was flawed. It excluded a very large and growing segment of our population – our seniors – and it seemed to be “Let’s ask about arenas” as opposed to “Let’s ask about recreation.” For those reasons I believe the report was compromised before it was written.
With regards to the vision, I was disappointed that (being so arena-centric) there was no exploration of a greater vision for integrated sports facilities or even cross-sector integration (sport, culture, civic, medical). Essentially, someone didn’t think ‘big’ enough, so we have no idea if there is an appetite for a
true community centre that serves the needs of everyone in North Bay.
Stuart Kidd
a) Yes, I have received and read a copy supplied by the Parks, Recreation & Leisure office.
b) I accept that Council has accepted the document as a guide.
Judy Koziol
a) Yes
b) It was a large study with many recommendations. A lot of the recommendations could be accomplished over time with enough resources. If opportunity presents and timing is good some can be implemented.
Jeff Serran
I was aware of the study – and if not mistaken it was released a couple of years later than expected.
b) With proper funding available I intend to support the recommendations.
Daryl Vaillancourt
I’m aware of the MURF study and I fully support the recommendations in the report.
2. a) There has recently been an emphasis on Sport Tourism. To what extent do you support these initiatives?
b) Are you willing to commit human and financial resources to promoting Sport Tourism for North Bay?
Al Macdonald
Sports tourism is the fastest growing segment of tourism. This is the best way to promote our city and to encourage our citizens to be active and to bring events to our city. We will continue to push this segment and we have achieved early success already.
Richard Cadotte
a) Sport Tourism is a vital key to city income but with diminishing fish in our lakes
we must also consider the long term impact .
b) Before committing any human or financial resource it must be put forward to the city councilors.
We would need to know what are the specifics need and cost.
Dave Mendicino
a) Sport tourism is a booming industry. I not only fully support, but as chair of community services I have worked with staff on the implementation of a sport tourism strategy.
b) Yes
Sheldon Forgette
a) I support sports tourism and want to see more of it here in North Bay. I just believe we need better facilities.
b) I am willing to commit human and financial resources to promote sports tourism, but more so after we invest in the proper facilities. The financial impact to our city is incredible and if we plan on attracting young professionals and families to our city we need great facilities to make it happen.
Mac Bain
a) I am very supportive; I have supported Sport Tourism at the council table and will continue to do so.
b) I have stated previously that we need to increase the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development staff (it’s worth noting that we have the least-funded E. D. office in the North). I would be supportive of a recommendation to the effect of a part time or full time person dedicated toward sport tourism development. A report during the budget process will be given to council and I expect a decision will be made at that time.
Mike Anthony
a)Sport Tourism…to what extant do I support the initiatives?
I support it as a step to the future. Well, when the CSTA (Canadian Sports Tourism Association) was recently on the record saying sports tourism is the single biggest growing segment in all of tourism, we have to consider how it can play out in our community. When it generates close to 4 Billion annually, we need to see what this can do in North Bay, and for North Bay. We’ve started to pick up “wins” with sport -tourism, and I think there is room to grow more. It can only be one part pf our tool kit though, balanced among other needs, and segments.
b) Will I commit human and financial resources to sport tourism? I have, and would consider giving more. I’m a cautious person though, and concerned with rising taxes. So my commitment to sport tourism comes as part of the “balancing act”…..we still need to balance our focus on pure economic development; as well as balancing infrastructure with the citizen’s ability to pay. It also has to find it’s footing among other segments of the community like the arts community, the age-friendly segment, and social services.
Let me be clear, there is true value to sports tourism, I’m just not comfortable committing a certain amount of money when we’re still “crystal-balling” the next council.
George Maroosis
Over the last term I have supported several Sport Tourism projects and I value the importance of this initiative. It is probably the largest source of business for the Tourist Industry. I am prepared to support more resources to our Economic Development Process.
Derek Shogren
The sports tourism initiative again was important to me during my term on chamber and in fact the chamber partnered with the city and the hospitality sector to equally split the cost of funding Larry Tougas so that he could pursue opportunities to bring events to North bay.
Suzanne McIntyre
a) I agree that Sport Tourism is a growing industry and we require the infrastructure to move forward on this. I believe that sports are a healthy choice for all and we must remain inclusive for our more vulnerable citizens. With appropriate facilities we can attract more events that can potentially be very profitable, in particular, competitive events.
b) Yes to a certain extent. I do not believe we should be going in debt, but I do believe that with partnerships, lobbying for funding, and fund raising, it is possible to move forward with these initiatives. We have a problem with jobs that feed the economy in North Bay, making it difficult to foresee the community supporting human and financial resources to promoting Sport Tourism. I believe we should work on strengthening and sustaining the facilities we have presently, which will in turn better support large investments to Sports Tourism.
BJ Szabicot
Although I personally do not believe that sports tourism will be responsible for solving our financial woes, I believe we now have no choice but to support these initiatives – so yes, I’d be willing to dedicate human and financial resources to promoting sports tourism.
With the money having already been spend on the Steve Omischl Complex and the renovated Memorial Gardens, our only hope to alleviate some of the financial burden placed on the city by these projects is to get these facilities humming 24 / 7 / 365. We need tournaments and competitions in these facilities every day and week of the year to help bring the money in, and that means going out and
selling these facilities with everything we’ve got.
Stuart Kidd
a) I support an increased emphasis on tourism activities, including sport tourism.
b) I would not support net staff additions, although I would agree, through zero based budget reviews by Council to consider reallocations to support tourism activities.
Judy Koziol
a) I support Sport Tourism because it is good for the health of our community and our local and regional businesses.
b) I am willing to commit what we can afford as a community.
Jeff Serran
a)Sports tourism (as in other tourism initiatives) is a great economic driver. There is a red flag for me that the annual old-timers fastball tournament was moved to Sudbury due to our city decommissioning baseball fields and our recent baseball fields not adequate for their tournament.
b) We need to put forward these resources – but with extreme care and a watchful eye. Sports tourism (as I stated earlier) is an economic driver and it promotes healthy, active living.
Daryl Vaillancourt
I completely support Sport Tourism and I also support commuting human and financial resources to promoting this growing economic sector.
3. What is your vision of North Bay in 2018 in terms of completed or work in progress achievements in facilities, infrastructure, services, fiscal responsibility etc., with specific reference to Sport and Recreation? What would North Bay have that we do not have now?
Al Macdonald
The MURF study should be our guide and the continued investment in facilities and services are important to our citizens. There is always competing interests for tax dollars but I believe in a balanced approach to meet everyone’s needs.
b) Indoor facility ( Canadore is working on this) The city always looks for partnering to achieve success. We also need newer ice pads but this might be a longer timeline and approach, depending on dollars and commitments from other levels of government.
Richard Cadotte
At this time my vision is to stop tax and manage our infrastructures. We have facilities for sports and
we could look at having other types . But it must included all tax payers from the high to low income.
Many of the sport activities are for the med and high income. I would like to see a more open to all
sport facilities.
Dave Mendicino
During the next term the skate park at Thompson Park will be complete. Working with Canadore an indoor soccer/turf field will be a reality. We have started if not completed replacing our ice pads at Palangio and West Ferris with a new multi pad. These projects will be done with funding partners.
Sheldon Forgette
At the very least I would like to see North Bay have an indoor Turf facility. I would even be willing to explore the feasibility of an all in one sports complex with in door ice pads and turf, under one roof.
Mac Bain
North Bay is fortunate to have so many dedicated and hard-working volunteers, including the executive members of our local sport teams. We are also fortunate to have Nipissing and Canadore in North Bay and I would like to see them play a more prominent role, in future. I would expect the City to continue to facilitate and contribute financially, as laid out in our Ten Year Capital Plan (this is a fluid document, and projects can and have been adjusted, according to needs). Any new funding would be discussed publicly and Council would have to weigh new projects on their merit. In the future, North Bay should have a significantly increased growth in Sport and Recreation Tourism. More people visiting the region and then doing more while here. We need an integrated Sport and Recreation plan.
Mike Anthony
In 2018 I believe we can:
-have had many more provincial and national tournaments
-grown our reputation as a great sports tournament town
-haveseen lots of use in our new, permanent skatepark, our new dog park, and possibly our splash pad
-finally have an official ice allocation policy in place, and fine tuned after 2 or 3 years of use
Thank you
George Maroosis
My vision’s priority is to determine the future of Palangio and West Ferris Arenas. The solution would be considered in our City Strategic Plan and Community Vision within our overall financial plans that must include public and private partnerships.
Derek Shogren
I would like to see a multi pad community centre that all levels of govt support. We would need to set asid. money in the capital budget each year if we want to achieve this goal.
Suzanne McIntyre
My vision includes North Bay being the more attractive choice for sports events throughout Ontario. I do believe that Equestrian Events require some consideration as this is a growing sport in this area. It is also an event that can bring profits to the local business and the municipality. I hope to see our Battalions here for many years to come. It has brought great community spirit back to North Bay and hopefully fund further initiatives in the future.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment and share my opinion
BJ Szabicot
Firstly, from a planning perspective by 2018 I would like to see a proper MURF study performed, and it turned into an actual implementation plan that includes how much money we’re putting away each year to pay for it, which facilities we can amalgamate and co-locate, and grant writing begun so we can
start pitching it to the other two levels of government.
Secondly, from a fiscal perspective by 2018 I would expect we have been successful in achieving full (or nearly full) bookings of the Steve Omischl Complex and Memorial Gardens on a yearly basis, and that those facilities are contributing substantial sums to city coffers by that time.
Thirdly, from an infrastructure perspective by 2018 I would expect we have completed the trail north on Gormanville to provide direct access from the college / university residences to the Kate Pace way as well as additional running / walking / biking opportunities into the Thibeault Terrace area from the
lakeshore. I would also anticipate improvements at Kinsmen Beach to service those new visitors seeking swimming and boating recreational opportunities.
As for having something we don’t have now, how about this – I have a vision for a connection of the YMCA to Memorial Gardens through another structure that would house indoor walking / running facilities, multi-use small room space, an indoor turf facility / park, the library, some small and medium performance spaces / meeting halls, and even community services (like maternal health classes, immigrant language instruction, even a public health office.)
It would serve a much larger cross-section of recreational activities and community groups, it centralizes capital and operational costs, and if we time it so that it coincides with end-of-life plans for things like the existing library building and other municipal facilities, it might actually be achievable.
Maybe this vision could be the direction we start a new MURF study over? Then again, maybe the city could actually ask the citizens what their needs are, instead of deciding the direction beforehand or simply asking which arena should be renovated.
Stuart Kidd
My vision is one where Council accepted the need & merits of conducting a community sustainability plan & proceeded along a path of comprehensive community involvement. In such a plan, sport & recreation would be considered among the broad scope of aspects that make up our community, likely using data from the MURF Report. The broad range of community strengths, weaknesses & capabilities currently & projected over time would then be the basis for the development of an overall sustainable community plan. That is a major item that we do not have now.
Thanks for the questions and opportunity, Stuart Kidd
Judy Koziol
In regards to aging facilities we have to make some decisions regarding on going maintenance or renovations versus new build, and what would be most cost effective and beneficial for the community.
I don’t know if we would have anything that we don’t have now. I know that there are on going works to have a new skateboard park, but that is something that we already had.
As far as having something that we don’t have now I think that would come down to timing in relation to maybe leveraging monies from different levels of government that support sport tourism initiatives.
Jeff Serran
My biggest vision is to have a multi-use Memorial Gardens – we are on the right track, but there is still (much needed) work to be done. Also, it concerns me that our youth hockey has to travel out of town for practice ice. We need to have more ice pads and affordable prices to allow our citizens access to our facilities. We need to look at sports that represent our multi-cultural residents that call North Bay home.
Daryl Vaillancourt
I’ve developed a 7 point plan for a better North Bay. It outlines my vision for our community for the next four years and beyond.
Please take some time to review the plan at
I would like to see a completed indoor turf facility completed by 2018.